
Stay up-to-date with important news from iCore!

Subscribe to our news feeds, so you don't risk missing important information about product updates, events and more.

Our news feeds (RSS feeds) have been available for a long time, but we have to admit we haven't drawn much attention to them. You can find them at the following addresses:

You can easily add RSS feeds to Outlook, another mail client or any RSS reader (e.g. Feedly). Choose the way that suits you best.

Example - here's how to subscribe to our feeds in Outlook:

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Select the Mail tab.
  3. Right-click on the RSS Subscriptions heading.
  4. Select Add a new RSS subscription.
  5. In the new dialog, paste the address of the feed.

You're all done! When we publish a news item, you receive it as an email, which ends up in its own folder in Outlook – So you don't have to worry about messages from us cluttering up your "regular" inbox.