
Keep your solutions up to date!

An IT environment is constantly changing, and when an integration project is finished, it is natural that you need to move on to the next area that requires attention. In many cases, a solution can work flawlessly for years, but it is not uncommon for small flaws to appear over time.

Pushing these ahead for too long can have serious consequences. This can mean, for example, being locked into IT solutions that do not support the business in the best way, or in the worst case, technical problems that have a direct impact on production and service delivery.

With our standardized service for change management, we help you continuously adapt your solutions so that they best support your business processes. The goal is to act proactively instead of reactively, and gradually build away problems instead of piling them up.

Change management can be invoked in two ways:

  • On direct request from you as a customer or partner
  • On recommendation from iCore Service Center.

Submit a change request

You can submit a change request via our Service portal, or via email.

If you send an email, it must contain the following information:

  • Description – A detailed description of the change, including the iCore process affected by the change.
  • Desired delivery date - Let us know if the change is business critical (= you need it as soon as possible), or if you have a specific delivery date in mind.
  • Communication and login authorization
  • Contact – A suitable contact person with knowledge of your company's IT architecture.