
Logistics and the conditions of the outside world – a world that is constantly changing

Few industries are affected as much by events in the outside world as transport and logistics - this places great demands on companies to be adaptable.

On an overall level, we have a globalization trend where goods are transported across the globe. New opportunities are emerging in countries that have been closed at the same time as other countries are being closed. Transport routes change direction and new modes of transport are added. War, public opinion and political decisions set new conditions for freight forwarders and other actors.

In the midst of all this, the transport and logistics sector must adapt. With good control over their amount of data and good relations with their partners – both business-wise and with system integration – good conditions are created to handle unforeseen events. Because with a digital platform it is possible to have control over all transports in real time and is thus better equipped in the event of changes.

Cooperation creates control

Good control gives foresight and freedom of action. By integrating systems between different actors, control is created. In real time, you then know where a transport is and its status, and in this way can act more quickly if something unforeseen happens. Having control over your data becomes in the transport sector the same as having control over your business process.

We provide transport and logistics companies with the right digital conditions

We at iCore have extensive experience in helping transport and logistics companies integrate their processes and systems so that they can live up to their tough business requirements.

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